Thursday, November 16, 2006

Kinder downfall

Just figured out how to update my blog again lol

Here is a pic of kinder downfall from last weekend

Saturday, August 12, 2006

weeds and more weeds

I have not been to the allotment as much as i have over the past few months for one reason and another. Ive decided to make raised beds to keep the weeds under control for next year.

Having trouble with catapillars in my greenhouse at the minute :-( lost quite a lot of toms and peppers to the b!$^£&£%

Might nip down tomorrow morning for a bit of a dig

Sunday, July 23, 2006


Yo sweetcorn fans (i.e weird nfg bloke)

The sweetcorn is doing very well and nearly ready for eating. (found out the other day which bit it is you eat lmao, i thought it grew at the top! oops...)

To the left is what was my peas and behind are my runner beans which are just starting to grow. Nearly got my first toms woop woop!

Coming soon, MJB has runner beans and tomatoes coming out of his ears.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Quick update

Its been 2 months so thought i had better post an update.

The weeds have taken over, just spent 2 hours weeding a small patch and been eaten alive by something or other. Not been able to do much recently what with the hot weather!

Lifted some spuds which tasted great! Got courgettes coming out of my ears!

Tomatoes are not ripening for some reason, peppers starting to flower!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Stuff growing!

From my 20 sweetcorn seeds i only have one that has not come through!

In the above pic you can just about make out my peas that are in guttering at the back! Below Left are more peas, toms, cucumber, lettuce, courgette and purple broccoli. On the right is everthing else, now im off to the pub! BYE

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Moo Cows!

Tonight I have been messing about with cows!

I have been de-horning calves which is not the nicest thing to do but needs to be done! I wont go into all the details.

As for the Allotment, I have planted my toms and cucumber. Put in a row of brussels that were given to me and planted a couple of rows of brussels and parsnip seed.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Sheep and a tractor

A few pics from tonights action at college. (small holding course)

The lambs which were having an injection and worming stuff given to them. (I got to do quite a few of them but there was 6 of us doing it)

The ewes had their feet trimmed and went in the dip.

For all you tractor fans this is the Massey Ferguson that dropped off some donkey crap last week.
As for lottie stuff, a lot of things had dried out today and some peas have almost come through.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Whatjamaflip thingys

I have now planted some more "stuff" feels like i am getting somewhere.

Planted a packet of celeriac in a one tray, hummmm maybe should have used more trays. lol

Planted 20 sweetcorn seeds in 9cm pots.

Put a row of peas in my guttering, ran out of compost for the other two bits :-( will plant the rest outside.

Put 4 runner beans in (lack of compost) none of the oldies were down tonight because it was raining so could not buy any more compost.

Onions are doing well, woo hoo!

Off to college tomorrow night to learn how to handle sheep baaaaaaaaaa

Thursday, May 04, 2006

May the 4th be with you....

Greenhouse is up, just need to replace 3 broken panes of glass.

Got some mahoosive onions to put in and some shallots. (Thanx to Sue and Terry)

Taken toms, cucumbers, peppers and courgettes to the greenhouse.

Fitted my automatic venty thingy.

Started digging the plot over and thought sod this, paid Terry a tenner to get his rotavator out. An hour or so later of me wetting the soil and him going up and down with the rotavator, i can now plant a few more things.

Weather today about 22C, tooooo hot! More pics on way soon!

Friday, April 28, 2006


Went down tonight to get everything ready for putting the glass in the greenhouse. Started making good progress and then got chatting so did not get much done. Pics and better update tomorrow if im not working.

Sunday, April 23, 2006


Got 5 rows of spuds in, about 100!

Put 3 rows of onions in!

1 row of lettuce (cheers Sid)

And last but not least faffed about with my PITA greenhouse for far too long. (its still not finished)

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

19th April

Yesterday i picked up a greenhouse 8x6 £41.01 off ebay. Was a PIA to take down as it was concreted in :-(
I will make a start on putting it up this weekend!

Today I had my stitches out and bought a shed! The famous black shed is just a death trap and needs to go, despite all the old folk at the allotment telling me you can never have too many sheds. Well my 4x6 cheap as chips shed will do me just fine.

Planted my rhubarb that Terry gave to me and spread a bit more donkey muck to make way for my pallet compost heap.

Will post more at the weekend with some pics, currently lost the data cable for my phone.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Sunday, April 16, 2006


Just bought myself a packet of celeriac seeds! I have no idea what they taste like and not really sure how to cook it but still.....

Saturday, April 15, 2006

14th April

Not much to update at the moment due to me having a mole off my back and having 5 stitches. They are coming out next Wednesday so progress is very slow!

I managed to get a row off onions put in, which were given to me by Gordon. The water has not been switched on yet so i had to borrow a can of water from Mal. (Must remember to get another water butt and fill it up before the tap gets switched off at the end of the year. And most importantly make a lid for the barrel so the water does not get contaminated)

Spuds will be going in Mon/Tue i hope, if i get a pass out!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Seeds, Spuds + Rhubarb

On Sunday (09.04.06) I planted quite a few seeds. Quite a few that were in the electric propagator at the back have already started growing. Trouble is i did not label up the pots so not sure whats what lol.

The spuds are Nadine which are a second early, they will be going in after Easter. I've also got some Desiree main crop which will go in towards the end of April.

My neighbour Terry has given me some Rhubarb, I have no idea what to do with it. Best find out and get it in the ground.

Hard work begins....

I've been down to the Allotment quite a few times but end up chatting for most of the time. After speaking to a lot of people I have got an idea of what is going to go where (i think)

I have burnt most of the weeds and went back today to find my neighbour had been burning the rest of them. :-/Got a comment off someone about him not liking fires, I blamed my neighbour for it hehe.

Day 1 (05.04.06)

I had no idea the Allotment was going to be this big! Where do i start?

This is the view from my shed, my plot goes all the way upto the pile of donkey muck! Its about 50 meters long x 8 meters wide (need to double check the figures)

This is the view of my nice weeds and manky shed. When you open the door or touch it the whole thing moves from side to side. Think i will leave it be for the time being.